Tips to Help You Smash Through Plateaus

We’ve all been there. You start training, you eat right, you follow directions. Within six months you notice the gains in both strength and size, and it seems you’re hitting a new PR every two weeks. Then things seem to stall out. You’ve hit the dreaded plateau. Try as you might, you just can’t seemContinueContinue reading “Tips to Help You Smash Through Plateaus”

10 Ways to Tighten Your Core

Hey guys, last week I showed you a couple of ways to test your core strength. Five Core Strength Tests How did you do? Some of you might have been surprised, and not in a pleasant way either. I’m assuming that many of you realized that there was some room for improvement in regards to your core strengthContinueContinue reading “10 Ways to Tighten Your Core”

Five Core Strength Tests

The core of the human body protects our vital organs and spine, helps us to maintain balance and provides stability in our daily movements. In fact, the definition of core is “the central, innermost, or most important part of anything.” Practitioners of the martial arts believe this is where our “chi,” or life force emanatesContinueContinue reading “Five Core Strength Tests”

The Many Benefits of Practicing Yoga

Namaste. I’ll be honest with you, at the risk of sounding ignorant. When I used to hear the word “yoga,” three things usually popped into my mind.  Old, skinny Hindus on mountain tops  Slow, boring exercises  Hot chicks in yoga pants I know, I said I was ignorant. However, yoga has been around for thousands ofContinueContinue reading “The Many Benefits of Practicing Yoga”